Basic Things You Need To Know Before Having Your Bathroom Remodeled
When you decide you want to have your bathroom remodeled, your head may automatically go to color choices, layout ideas, and shower curtain options. These things are important — but you're skipping a step if those are the first things you're thinking about. There are a few other basics you should consider before you start choosing paint colors and tile.
You will probably need to hire a contractor and a designer
People often assume that they need to hire one contractor to remodel their bathroom. However, if you want to do more than just replace what is already there, you will also need to hire a designer. Their role will be to plan the layout, help you choose materials, and make sure everything fits. The contractor will do the actual work of laying the floor, putting in the shower, and so forth.
Challenges are sure to arise along the way and extend the project
Once your contractor starts digging into the bathroom and making changes, they are almost certain to run into a challenge or two. There may be some wall studs that need replacing, or they may need to apply a leveler to the floor. If you go into the project knowing that something will happen to delay things, then you won't be discouraged when the project takes a little longer than initially planned.
You'll need to plan around the plumbing
The very first step of planning your bathroom remodel needs to be determining where the plumbing runs and where you can move it. Sometimes you may not be able to move the plumbing at all, so you'll have to remodel around what's there. Other times, you will be able to move the sink or tub across the room, but doing so will be costly. Ask your contractor or designer about your plumbing options from the get-go so you don't have to backtrack with your plans.
You may be able to save more than you think
People often start remodeling their bathroom with the assumption that they will be replacing everything. But you might be able to save more than you think. Before you get rid of the floor, consider how it might look different next to a different shower. Before you get rid of the faucets, ask whether they still work and are still stylish. If you can save a few things, you'll bring your remodeling budget way down.
Once you've reviewed these high-level aspects of your bathroom remodel, then you can move on to the final details. Talk to a bathroom remodeling contractor to get started.